Welcome to "Köhler-Stuben" and "Pizzeria Papa Razzo"

Experience cosy hospitality and social get-togethers in our dining area with small pub, the "Köhler-Stuben" restaurant, a hop garden and a terrace with a stunning view over the pool and sports field, into the Prüm valley.

We offer a 3-course lunch menu every weekday for a reasonable price. International, Italien and regional cuisine.

"Be it dinner or snack, we'll never turn you back!"

Lunch 11.30 am - 2 pm, dinner 5 pm - 10 pm

Pizzeria Papa Razzo
Lunch 11.30 am - 2 pm, dinner 5 pm - 10 pm


In der Klaus 17 | D - 54636 Oberweis | Tel. +49 (0) 6527 - 929 20 | info@pruemtal.de

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